Coaching With
Through coaching, Karrie specializes in teaching her clients how to discover their most authentic vision and bring it to life, with a step-by-step process that thousands of people have used to build their dreams.
The reason most people aren’t living their dreams is because there are obstacles along the way and fears that rise up. And without a support structure, almost everyone gets overwhelmed and gives up.
But Karrie knows exactly how self-sabotage operates…
… and she will show you how to get out of your own way and make fear work for you as she walks with you every step of the way, so that your dreams aren’t just possible- they’re inevitable.
Karrie does this by locking arms with you and guiding you through programs that are tailored to your needs and proven to produce results. She always shows up with love, compassion, and a commitment to helping you move beyond your current limits to live a life you truly love living!

“I was at a turning point in my life. I had recently gone through a divorce and at the same time my career was expanding and my business was growing. But I felt unsure of what I was supposed to do next. I could see the life I wanted but didn’t know how to get it. I had taken Karrie’s “I am Worthy!” course and it felt like she was speaking directly to me! I signed up for the Dream Builder program before the course was done.
When Karrie asked me “What would you love?” I knew deep down I have always wanted to buy a home. It was something I had tried for years but finances and men kept getting in the way. To be able to have a home for me and my three daughters was my dream. As Karrie worked with me through the Dream Builder program I applied the principles in my life and started to take action steps in the direction of my dream. By the end of the 12 week course we had a beautiful house in escrow and are now living in a home of our very own.
If you were like me and feeling stuck or unsure the Dream Builder will be a game changer for you! Having Karrie next to me, encouraging and motivating me helped turn my dream into a reality. I continue to listen to the meditations now even after the program and have already started working on my next Dream.”
– Jenny Castillo

“Karrie; I just wanted you to know how much your Dream Builder Program has changed my life! Seriously, I think that without the tools, meditations and resources you shared through this program I would be a major mess during this CV19 experience.
I have learned how to harness my self defeating, self talk and reframe my limiting beliefs in to abundant thinking! I want you to know you’re program couldn’t have come at a better time to prepare me for what we didn’t see coming.
Even without the CV19, you are amazing to work with. Your patience, your check-ins and your coaching has been invaluable to me. I have clarity that I haven’t had before, I have been able to allow myself the space to feel my own feelings and notice what I am noticing without judging or wallowing. I can allow my thoughts and feelings to flow through me, I observe and reflect on them. I have developed new healthy routines and habits to help me start my days with gratitude, inviting abundance and positive energy and end my days with a feeling of purpose and hope for what’s to come.
So excited to start the next level with you soon! For now I am working my plan to live my life by Design!!”
– Duaan Fincher

“OMG where do I start?!
Karrie Mitten’s Dream Builder program is one like no other!!
In fact I have participated in quite a few other programs and have never had the impact in my heart and mind that this program had.
This program challenges you to reach outside your comfort zone with real excitement and helps turn fear into adrenaline propelling you forward to where you have been longing to be and do for a long time. “Breaking the ceiling”, so to speak, and seeing so much more to gain in this life that feels exciting to reach for!!
Thank you Karrie for spending the time with me and showing me I can attain and am deserving of everything I want.”
– Renee Kee