
When: Tuesday, September 13th – Friday, September 16th

Here’s What You Will Learn:

DAY 1— Who’s In Control Here?

  • Where your power comes from and how to harness that power to co-create whatever you want in your life!
  • Eliminate any self sabotaging behaviors or beliefs including “Imposter Syndrome” or of being a “Lone Ranger”
  • To increase your sense of deserving!

DAY 2— What Are You Saying??

  • How to get rid of the negative self talk and start to shift the tide of your life!
  • Take a look at how the subconscious mind works and how to “trick” it so that you attract the positive instead of the negative in life.
  • A POWERFUL manifestation tool to use to manifest ANYTHING into your life!

DAY 3 —How Do I Have and Become More?

  • What abundance really means and how to attract more of anything in your life (including money!)
  • What your “future self” wants to say to you
  • How to create a crystal clear vision for your life!

And did I mention prizes? Well…of course I have prizes!

Just for showing up here is what you get:

BONUS #1 – original download of the song “This is My Life”(Value: PRICELESS – you can’t buy it anywhere and we will hear it during the challenge),
BONUS #2 – A guided meditation called “The Door Meditation” which helps eliminate your biggest limiting belief about yourself! (Value: PRICELESS – you cannot get it anywhere else but here!)

AND when you show up every day (if you can’t make the LIVE you will receive the replay!) and complete the lifework you will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card – think about how much royal swag you could buy with that!

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